
Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The Mosquito Truck

Dear Korean,

What chemicals are used in the mosquito fogging trucks and are they harmful to people? If so, why are they so accepted by Korean society?

James M.

If you don't know what James M. is talking about, this is the mosquito fogging truck that can be seen in Korea from time to time:

The fog is mostly made up of kerosene, mixed in with a small amount of pesticide. (The ratio is around 300:1 kerosene to pesticide.) The petroleum-based "carrier" is heated into a fog, which carries the pesticide particles that would eventually kill mosquitoes.

Why do this? This is a great example of how little distance there is between the poorer-than-sub-Saharan-Africa Korea of the 1960s and the modern-wealthy-and-technologically-advanced Korea of the 2010s. In the bad old days of Korea, mosquitoes were one of the greatest threats to public health. As recently as 1982, Japanese Encephalitis -- only one of the many diseases carried by mosquitoes -- infected nearly 1200 people every year, killing more than 50 of them. And the most efficient way to kill the mosquitoes was the fog truck, spraying pesticide in a large area. (This practice actually was instituted by the U.S. military, as they occupied South Korea at the end of World War II.) Although mosquito-borne diseases are less of a threat today, anyone who spent a summer in Korea can tell you that the incessant mosquito attacks are quite a nuisance.

Obviously, the fog is harmful to people -- pesticide is meant to kill living things. But the amount of pesticide involved is actually very small. For an hour's worth of spraying, less than 30 ml of pesticide (= 1.5 tablespoon) is used. The bigger problem of the fog, in fact, is the kerosene, which is carcinogenic and causes air pollution. Because of the health and environmental concerns, many of Korea's municipalities have banned the use of the fog truck, opting instead for water- or vegetable oil-based sprays.

But then again, the poor country habits die hard. Kerosene-based pesticide fogging is cheaper, and it is a nice demonstration that the local government is doing something -- it just seems so effective. So a lot of smaller cities continue to use the truck, and it is not uncommon for a group of residents in a city to hire a pest control company to fog the neighborhood.

(N.B. One of the Korean's fondest memories of his childhood is Korea was to run after the fogging trucks. When you were a kid growing up in Korea, it was a thing to do -- the "fart truck" came through the neighborhood, you chase it while screaming at the top of your lung. It was a lot of fun. Generations of Koreans grew up chasing the fog truck, and we all turned out fine.)

Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at


  1. There were mosquito fogging trucks in Turkey when I was child, too :)). And We were following them when we are at village :)). It was too much enjoyable!!! :D. But I'm still alive and healthy person :P :)).

    1. I grew up in Chicago and in the late 1960's, we used to run behind the mosquito fogging truck.
      In 1992 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, & I have always wondered if this had anything to do with the mosquito truck.
      However, my brothers, sisters, and all of the neighborhood children also-ran behind the truck, and there are no other chronic illnesses other than mine

  2. This reminds me of the DDT trucks kids used to run behind in movies set in the 60s.

  3. Your childhood memory makes me laugh as does the "fart truck" comment. It's always good to hear about the "harmful" memories from childhood knowing we're all still ok.


  5. Hey now, that fart truck is by no means a thing of the past out here in the Heartland of the U. S. of A. One just went down our street the other night. People around here still chase after it. They probably think it's spewing a fog of meth, though. Because we are #1 in Meth production.

  6. My kids still chase the fog trucks screaming at the top of their lungs when we visit their grandparents for the summer. It is great fun, and they love it almost as much as the street cleaning truck that plays Daegu's town song.

    1. Please if you value your childrens' health why would you let them breath in harmful chemicals.

  7. YES! Hit it right on the head with the running after it screaming. First summer we visited Korea, my aunt encouraged us to partake and opened up all the windows in the house.

    Although every summer, I swear I still got sick because of all the mosquitoes.

  8. The 2001 film 친구 ('Friend') opens with just such a scene, and it's beautifully shot...

  9. 푸켓 페리 피피섬 Hahahaha .. Its is to funny for other

  10. "We all turned out fine." *Except for those of you with cancer.

  11. They do this in America too. It's called living in Louisiana. You fog the mosquitoes or you die from blood loss.


  12. 여보세요! 당신은 내가 당신을 사랑하기 때문에 나에게 한국에서 가정을 빌려하려면
    yeoboseyo! dangsin-eun naega dangsin-eul salanghagi ttaemun-e na-ege hangug-eseo gajeong-eul billyeohalyeomyeon

  13. I never liked the smell of the fogging truck ever since I was young and ironically I'm currently training as a health inspector ╮(╯▽╰)╭ #karma

  14. The first time I saw the fogging truck was in Malaysia. I didn't like it at first, but after I almost died with dengue fever, I welcomed the fumes and would open my room to let them in too :-). At some point, I would complain that the trucks hadn't come around in a while and the mossies situation was getting ridiculous. Back home in Zimbabwe, we're expecting some foffing to resume since the rainy season is kind of starting. Looking forward to the "fart truck"


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