
Friday, September 30, 2011

Today, TK Learned:

... that blog posts with multiple tables must be handled with extreme care.
  • All major brand beers are hurting except for Pabst Blue Ribbon, because hipsters keep drinking it. That's good, because PBR is toxic. [Foreign Policy]
  • DoJ announces that it is reviewing accounting irregularities in publicly traded Chinese companies, and their stocks tank. This will be fun. [New York Times: Dealbook]
  • Georgetown Law Center had a gunman scare that ended up being nothing. [Above the Law]
  • Trivia time: What is the largest American city that is, directly or indirectly, named after a Roman political leader? Hint: it is among the top 100 largest cities in America. [Volokh Conspiracy]
  • The legendary Shin Joong-Hyun recalls: ‎"Later, I was playing a 'psychedelic' song and some American hippies – antiwar protesters – came to listen. I became friends with them, and they taught me what psychedelic music really was. They also gave me LSD." [The Guardian] (HT to reader).
  • China might be slowing the democratization of Asia. [Boston Globe]
  • Radiohead is not coming, you damn dirty hippies. [Slate]
  • Mobile strip clubs at NFL tailgates! [NBC]
Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at


  1. Trivia time: What is the largest American city that is, directly or indirectly, named after a Roman political leader? Hint: it is among the top 100 largest cities in America.

    Cincinnati, named after Cincinnatus?

  2. Hey Korean,

    The National Portrait Gallery in DC recently opened a temporary exhibition exploring the theme of being Asian in America. I thought of your blog when viewing two of the more interesting installations, which were by Korean artists navigating what they saw as the contradictions and complexity of being Korean and American.

    I'll leave the link here, in case you're interested:


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