
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Today, TK Learned:

... that a law firm gets awfully quiet on Rosh Hashana.
  • If you read Playboy, women will smile at you. [Retronaut]
  • Lawyers are like soybeans -- replaceable by machines. [Slate]
  • Korea's aging population will cost more than 1% of its GDP growth in 10 years. [The Economist]
  • If you weigh 680 pounds, you can get fired for being too fat -- but you can also sue your employer. [Houston Chronicle]
  • Value of a college degree can be shown in a number of nifty graphs. [The Atlantic]
  • Samsung has come a long way, and is poised to make the next move. [The Economist and The Economist]
  • One Korean American (while drunk) misses "the racists of Fenway who used to heckle [his] family." [ESPN: Grantland]
  • This year's new law students might be collectively dumber than previous years'. [Above the Law]
  • If you earn $100,000 or more, United Arab Emirates is an awesome place to be. Tax-wise, that is. [The Economist]
Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at


  1. I'm pretty sure that soybeans can't be replaced by machines. Soybean pickers, though...

  2. I love your blog.

    I thank you for linking to The Korean Law Blog. I also began

    It is a work in progress. I hope we can meet in the near future.

  3. I think of the challenges software poses to the legal field similar to what TurboTax did to tax accountants. The software eliminated the most mundane and rote tax issues and left the most complex and interesting problems to the accountants. This is great for the top tax guys as it ensures that the tasks they have to deal with are the most challenging and interesting. However, this is bad news for those not in the top tier as it means that the mediocre have suddenly lost their bread and butter.

  4. Laughing at "the law firm gets quiet on Rosh Hashanah". Classic

  5. I took away exactly the opposite message on The Economist's Samsung briefing. Samsung is tying up to many smaller companies under its banner and stifling innovation throughout the economy, it's been lucky with a few bets, and it relies on bank loans and a questionable acquisitions strategy that might not e winnable when Samsung is no longer an unknown minnow. The Economist is never pessimistic and rarely skeptical, and can be flat-out wrong on East Asia, so it's best to treat ts articles or the unpaid advertisements they effectively are. Asian Security blog also argued about The Economist's aversion to treating the South Korean economy for what it really is, and hyping it indiscriminately.

  6. Can't get enough of reading about the Red Sox collapse. Casper Kang's sports writing over at Grantland is always terrific. Look forward to reading his novel.


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