Friday, April 01, 2011

Ask a Korean! -- New Subscription Plan

Dear readers,

Many of you mayㅁ have heard that theㅏ New York Timesㄴ online is movingㅇ to a subscription-based system, which inspiredㅜ the Korean. Although ㅈAAK! has been attracting thousandsㅓ of visitors a day, the Koreanㄹ resisted putting upㅈ advertisements -- mostly becauseㅗ he did not want to deal withㅋ the obnoxious "DATE A KOREAN GIRL NOW" ads. But whyㅡ not a subscription system? Why not indeed. The Korean worked hard at building up this blog. Heck, these posts do not write themselves. It is about damn time that the Korean is paid out from the fruit of his labor.

Fear not, readers -- it will not be expensive. Starting from April 1, 2011, this blog will be moved to There, you will have three choices for subscription:

Ask a Korean! Basic - Just $2.99 per month to read up to 10 posts a month at AAK!
Ask a Korean! Premium - $3.99 per month to read up to 20 posts a month at AAK!
Ask a Korean! Ultimate - $9.99 per month to read unlimited number of posts at AAK!

Also, the questions will cost you also -- again, it's cheap. Just 99 cents per question. Make sure to send in your credit card information along with your question in order to ensure a reply. AAK! will accept Paypal and all major credit cards. See you on the new site!

Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at And pay me. Seriously.

-EDIT- If this wasn't obvious, this post is an April Fool's Day joke. Please do NOT include your credit card information in the question. :)


  1. Oh dear really? I happen to frequent your blog quite often during my breaks at work as nearly all other sites are blocked on our govt computers..아이고~

  2. 아싸! I thoroughly endorse this change. How much to leave a comment?

  3. Congratulations on your new venture. You should think about adding extra, optional fees to the question rate-like $10 to jump the queue and get an immediate answer, and $3 extra to guarantee it won't appear in your annual "stupid questions" retrospective.

  4. I was really angry when I read this... then I remembered that my coworkers hid tampons all over my desk today.

  5. It's actually not a bad idea.

  6. ... It's still March 31st where I live. :D

  7. AH! I fell for it! I was going to sign up too....

  8. Hahaha it's too obvious if you write it right there in the main post like that. I actually noticed the characters first and figured out the message before even reading the blog post. Happy April 1st.

  9. At first I thought those Korean characters interspersed through the text were footnote markers, but then there were no footnotes under the article. Assembled them in a text editor, run through Naver, and Korean word learned today. Thanks, TK. :)

  10. Oh man, I totally fell for it for the first 2 seconds. Good one!

  11. Well you sure fooled me! HAHA

  12. It's Fool's Day here. Same where you are? Right?


  13. Good. About time you figured out how to make money on this thing. Then you can quit your day job... hahaha.

  14. Good one. have a good one!

  15. If you institute a paywall, I'm switching to!

  16. :-O Oh, my heart actually stopped for a while...
    Would be a good idea for you, indeed...


  18. A K-blog going subscription only as an April Fools gag?

    How derivative. ;)

  19. I've never paid for access to any music, movies, videos, or writing on the internet.

    I know it's a joke, but I'd pay for this blog... It's incredible. Thanks for blogging!


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