
Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The Korean will have a post on drug laws in Korea, but just know one thing -- marijuana is punished just as harshly as any other illegal drug in Korea. Also, many non-Koreans in Korea suffer through the unfair stereotype that they are all drug-addled criminals, because some visitors to Korea just cannot stop toking.

So please, do not smoke marijuana when you are in Korea. And if you must smoke, smoke in the privacy of your house or a hotel room, not in the smoking room of the Incheon Airport. And if you must smoke a joint in the smoking room of the Incheon Airport, please do not record it and put it up on Youtube, you fucking idiots.

인천공항 흡연실서 단체로 대마초 흡입? [Dong-A Ilbo]


  1. That is hilarious. The stupidity of people never ceases to amuse me. People are so retarded sometimes.

  2. I have seen yesterday, at KBS World that video from YouTube. By chance, in my home was a Korean woman from Seoul, who was in her way to Hungary, and whom we helped to make her way in my town, where she spent few hours. I wanted to show her what I see from Korea in Romania, and we stumbled on this! She didn't comment but her non-verbal signs were sufficient. Why do some people want to make us, and I mean potential foreigners in Korea, a bad name? Embarassing...

  3. I remember seeing that video...last year. Sure they were stupid for doing it but this looks like a result of Crown J being caught with weed a bit earlier.

  4. This post coincides with the arrest of Crown J (Korean hip-hop artist) for smoking marijuana in Korea AND Atlanta. Lol

  5. onyx? uh, they're still together?! if they stopped smoking so much maybe they could get their crap together and make some new tracks... worth listening to...

    as for what tony said, i was totally waiting for my boo crown j to come back with his new album so i'm a little bummed that he might be 'unavailable' for a bit.

    at the same time, how the heck do they know what (and when) he was smoking all the way in atlanta?! he must have some well-connected enemies...

  6. How times have changed. I was stationed in Korea in 1973-74. I was 19 at the time and pot was plentiful, readily available and very inexpensive. It was one of my youthful indiscretions that I indulged heavily that year. And many young (and some not so young) GI's used it. Although illegal in the U.S. Army system, enforcement was very lax, and you had to be stupidly blatant in your use to get busted for it. A little discretion went a long way. Most people in authority looked the other way. The GI's who caused the most trouble were those who over indulged in alcohol, not the guys who got stoned. The Koreans in the Camp towns didn't seem to care. We would take Korean cabs from Camp Casey to Seoul and light up along the way. It was not uncommon to see stands of marijuana growning on in the country side. Hemp was a very important crop for the fiber back then. Korean's for the most part, didn't smoke pot or abuse drugs in general in my experience there, so the Korean National Police didn't seem real concerned about American soldiers who did.
    I don't partake of the herb any more, but if I did, the last place I'd be messing with it is in Korea. Read the book "Brother One Cell" if you want to know why it's just a bad idea.

  7. I don't partake of the herb any more, but if I did, the last place I'd be messing with it is in Korea.

    Actually, the LAST place you'd be messing with it is in China (or the Middle East, for that matter). They can and do execute people for drug crimes.

    Or if not China, then Thailand. Just watch any episode of "Banged Up Abroad" and watch what kind of treatment drug users/sellers/smugglers/mules get in the Land of Smiles. Not a lot of smiles happening, let's just say.

    Doing a "Brother One Cell" in Korea is nowhere near as bad as it could be. Still, I'm not dumb enough to toke up here.


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