
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oh great. The Korean can only imagine what kind of stupid questions will come in after this mess airs...

Meet The Cast Of The Asian Jersey Shore: K-town [MTV Iggy] (via Marmot's Hole)


  1. It's common knowledge that anyone who ends up on MTV is a f***up, so hopefully this won't reflect poorly on the Korean-American community.

    Also, are you going to continue translating the North Korean soccer article? Part I was fascinating.

    Keep on keeping on.

  2. All I can say is, if black America survived Flava Flav...

  3. I'm with t-HYPE (though maybe not all the capitalizations). And "this mess" will certainly put a dent in the "perfect minority" stereotype, yeah?

  4. The casting notice for this show was placed on Craigslist. That tells me all I need to know about this show.

  5. Yeah! I wonder what their parents would think...Not all Koreans are doctors and lawyers:)

    I watch the first episode. But this trend jumped the shark for me longtime ago...when the Real world first aired!


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