
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Korean would like to urge all Americans to get out and vote.


  1. Well now what about a post saying that USA is the least racist country... ^_^

  2. Louisiana voted Republican, after Michael Brown actively worked against the rescue of its citizens leading to their rotting away and death. Unacceptable

  3. It is a great day to be an American, after a historic presidential election in which the great people of our nation saw beyond one's race and skin color to elect a smart, eloquent, and charismatic leader that will lead us out of the gutter that the Bush administration had dug for us for the past eight years. Special kudos to Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, and the other traditionally red states for turning the tide by electing Obama. Last night was my proudest moment as an American citizen and my most emotional. If I had had any doubts about the greatness of this country and its people prior to last night, it has been replaced by hope and optimism for the future of our nation. God speed us Americans on our way to greatness once again.

  4. Maybe its time for Japan to elect a Zainichi to become presidents. After all, we are the biggest minority in Japan..


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