
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

There are 12.2 restaurants in Korea per 1000 people, compared to 1.8 in the U.S. and 5.7 in Japan. (Article in Korean.)


  1. that statistic just blew my mind.

  2. I'm not a statistician –– I only play one on the Internet –– but 12.2 restaurants per every 1000 Koreans translate to about 43.7 떡복기 shacks for every Korean above the age of 5. Someone please verify my numbers.

  3. So, clearly there are enough restaurants to create some competition for customers. Can anyone explain why, then, someone decided to open a 죽집 next door to a 죽집? Why once there are two 삼겹살식당 on a street seven more are sure to follow?

  4. I still wonder about those 죽 places myself. I mean, at MOST, there is only ever ONE customer in there. How do they stay in business? And why the hell are there so many of them? I just. don't. get. it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That is an amazing statistic. Koreans are very food crazy, but to have 13 restaurants per every 1000 Koreans is just absurb.

    I am curious to know the statistics for how many pharmacies per 1000 Koreans.

    Does anyone have stats on this?

  7. @seitzk: There's a Starbucks every two blocks in Manhattan, and some intersections have more than one on opposite corners. Most of the places I've lived in do not have that high a density, but there would be several within walking distance, and it would not be uncommon to have two within sight distance of each other. Somehow all these Starbucks manage to make money.

  8. I've wondered about that. It's been almost two years since that article's publication, but nonetheless, the statistic is incredible. There's a restaurant for every 81 people. But I'm not complaining. I love being able to (theoretically) put on a blindfold, spin around for fifteen seconds, and walk straight into a place for fulfilling an appetite.


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