
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ask a Korean! News: Say Hello to Everyone's Girlfriend, Our New Associate Editor

The ever-growing Ask a Korean! empire welcomes another associate editor to the fold. Yeochin is a lady of mid-20s who teaches English in Incheon, Korea. Finally, an expat representation at the Ask a Korean! family.

Yeochin hails from West Hollywood, California, and has the distinction of having previously worked with Gustavo Arellano, the Mexican himself. While the daily commute from Incheon to AAK!'s 115-story headquarter that towers over the Hudson River may be a little daunting, having three people at the AAK! headquarter means that finally, AAK! can host a spirited game of go stop every night.

(Picture from here.)

Yeochin's first post will be coming soon. Stay tuned.

Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at


  1. Speaking of Go-Stop, does anybody know a good place to play online? Ever since Yahoo! shutdown their Go-Stop game, I've been Go-Stop deprived.

  2. the Korean patronizes Hangame, but that would require a computer that recognizes Korean.

  3. welcome aboard, Yeochin. Look forward to hearing from you.


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