
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Here is Your Response, Ray

The Korean firmly believes that general public is intelligent. And for the most part, that belief is validated. The Korean receives good questions over the email, and has smart discussions with people located all over the world.

And then there is Ray.

Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 18:58:00 -0700
Subject: About Korea please Read

Hello i seen your website & you said ask a Korean
I have been studying Asian culture for 6 years
really like the K-pop videos ive seen & the Korean people ive met
in the last 2 years on Youtube ive seen alot of

“anti American” videos
ive read several years ago that WE The US. are South Koreas
strongest alley. im a little worried & dissapointed when i see Koreans doing the
stuff they do, ive seen Korea war docementarys & seen the movie
Taegukgi, i speak some Korean/Japanese/chinese
Dont you think North korea is a threat?
Dont you think if USA pulled out North would attack?
havent they threatened the south?
i would like to Korea Reunified under a Peacefull way
i just want Peace & Friendship with Korea
don’t YOU? the korean people WANT Peace?
& Korea to reunifie?
i dont understand how some koreans think if we pull out
Jim jong il would want to give up his empire?
& say ok lets get back together & Have ALL of Korea free.
i doubt he would do that.
Please write back

From: The Korean
Subject: RE: About Korea please Read
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 10:36 AM

Dear Ray,

I really hope your first language is not English. I don't understand what you are trying to say -- please try again. Thank you for reading.

The Korean

Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:09:24 -0700
Subject: RE: About Korea please Read

다시 한번 말씀해 주십시오. - what? - OK
as i stated im an American English is my native language
it was a simple Question.
WHY do south korean youth Favor North korea
Kim jong il over the USA?
Do you think kim jong il will reunifie Korea
in a peacefull way?
- sorry but most of my Chinese friends play dumb
& avoid this qustion & pretend Not to understand.

From: The Korean
Subject: RE: About Korea please Read
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 1:46 PM

Dear Ray,

Sorry, you had (and still have) numerous misspells and punctuation errors. But your Korean phrase was perfectly written. At least the question now is understandable. I think few Chinese people can answer your question in an intelligent way, so be nice to them.

I have a policy of answering questions in the order received, so you will be at the back of the line, unless you tell me your question is particularly time-sensitive. It takes about 9 to 10 months for an answer. Hope that's ok.

Thanks for reading!

The Korean

Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 16:26:24 -0700
Subject: RE: About Korea please Read

Wow numerous misspells and punctuation errors. SO?

you still understood the question. your just Avoiding it.

in the time it took you to write that resoponce

you could have replied to my question & said

Not all koreans feel that, i want USA & Korean relations to be better. OR you could have even said yes i dislike America

i understand how you would want to reply to peoples email in order recieved, BUT 9-10 Months?

Forget it. ill put this on a Blog to prove how Koreans

Don't give a shit about North korean people.

& dont want things to get Better.

From: The Korean
Subject: RE: About Korea please Read
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008, 4:46 PM

Dear Ray,

"ill put this on a Blog to prove how Koreans

Don't give a shit about North korean people.

& dont want things to get Better."

Your impeccable logic has left me speechless.

The Korean

[As an aside, misspells, bad punctuations, and poor grammar, committed by a English-as-a-first-language person, really piss off the Korean. The Korean himself spent an inordinate amount of effort to speak and write correct English. (Remember, the Korean moved to U.S. at age 16. The Korean did not speak English before that, and this was all before the current "teach English in Korea" trend.) Millions of people all over the world spend ridiculous amount of money to learn correct English. And those who have been blessed enough to naturally speak the language often do not show the proper respect for their blessing. Ray's question was actually good, but the Korean would never tolerate such a mess.]

[Another aside: Ray must have a lot of friends.]

Got a question or comment for the Korean? Email away at


  1. I worry for the literacy of those who speak English as a first language! That said, I joke, as English is technically my second language, but since I learned at age two, it is close enough so as not to matter.

    Those emails were nearly incoherent.

  2. A comment already! And from someone who's chosen to keep their blogger profile private, like the always civil commenter kdufos, whose writing style and tone of responses to my comments sound curiously like yours, and a number of other commenters at your blog. You have a lot of secretive admirers, askakorean!

  3. I think this post shows all readers the great deal of patience and effort the Korean puts into writing for our education/entertainment. It is a voluntary and unpaid service, Ray. If you [RAY] need a more timely response, do the research yourself. Also, please learn how to correctly express thoughts in an email. It's embarrassing to the rest of us who try to engage in thoughtful conversations via blogs.

  4. Please Jen, no compliments. Dogwood Tree is gonna think you are a fraud.

  5. For someone who doesn't seem to care to much I suppose it is understandable to ignore the time and effort it takes to read through a post 5 or more times to makes sure everything makes sense, with decent spelling and punctuation and the like.

    Lets not forget that this times is on top of having to think of what to say, doing research and living a live as well.

  6. Profile opened for the modicum of proof of identity that a Blogger profile provides.

  7. Ah well, my blogger profile is wide open and I echo askakorean's point. The literacy level in the US is often alarmingly low. After 15 years working at various colleges in California, I can also anecdotallly report that it seems to be dropping.

    I had a lot of "RAY" types in my classes.

    alas. ;-)

  8. I love how he tried to validate his argument by setting up his academic background first:

    "I have been studying Asian culture for 6 years really like the K-pop videos ive seen & the Korean people ive met in the last 2 years on Youtube ive seen alot of “anti American” videos"

    Ray needs to study grammar for 6 years and then punctuation for 6 more. What a riot!

  9. Ironically, as a native English speaker, I have greater trouble speaking correct English. The language is a language of exceptions and I was taught very "Correct" English. Because it was natural to me, I never really learned the reasoning behind the basics and have a great deal of trouble correcting what flaws I do have.

  10. Love the logic of racists.

    "I don't like you! Thus, you represent all Koreans!"

    If only Ray didn't have so very, very many brethren and sistren.

  11. Incorrect English from native speakers of English bothers me tremendously too. But I guess as long as there are non-native speakers who do use correct grammar, the English language in its correct form won't die out completely.

  12. I don't completely agree with this, but it is still an interesting idea.

    A few years back I was listening to a language program on the radio and the linguist there said that, strange as it may sound, you can't tell a native speaker that is use of language is wrong. Language changes all the time and what was right yesterday is not always right today.

    Even with that in mind, Ray is not using English in any form I have ever seen or heard a native use it.

  13. WOW, DOGWOOD TREE! Not only does dogwood think he is a "critical thinker", he is also a detective! Are your powers of deduction just as formidable as your "critical thinking," Sherlock Holmes? I assure you that I am not "the Korean," who is a man of natural talent language and writing as shown by his impeccable English skills (astonishing because he came to the U.S. at such a late age). Do not insult his intelligence by comparing the likes of me with him.


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