Monday, May 26, 2008

The Korean generally does not trust Wikipedia, contrary to the trend. Something like this is the reason why.

Under "South Korean Culture" entry of Wikipedia, these words are found:

"South Korea also has an alarmingly high plastic surgery rate. 76% of Korean women in their 20's and 30's have undergone plastic surgery. 25% of Korean mothers who have daughters between the ages of 12 and 16 suggested plastic surgery to their daughter according to Korean's "Pantheon of Fucked-Up Statistics""

Does that look familiar? Yes, those are the words from the Korean's post about plastic surgery. Something that is clearly meant as a joke now occupies a place in Wikipedia. (That is, the words "Pantheon of Fucked-up Statistics", not the numbers themselves. The numbers are legit.) If that is not fixed within a few days, the Korean will never look at Wikipedia again.

-EDIT 5/27/08- The threat worked, and the offending language was removed.


  1. I just wanted to say that while of course the aforementioned information is a bunch of rubbish, it is important to remember that Wikipedia only works if people with a lot of knowledge add to it, and fix mistakes. English speakers with an extensive knowledge of Korean culture are at a premium. On the other hand, look up the New York Yankees and you'll get more accurate information than you could hope for)
    I don't mean to sound preachy or whiny, its just that wikipedia can be great resource if more knowledgeable people like yourself add to it.

  2. Wikipedia is a joke. I can't believe people are actually beginning to cite Wikipedia in scholarly articles...

  3. thou shalt obeyeth the decree of the almighty Korean.


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